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Volunteer with us!

As a volunteer for East Lake Pet Orphanage, you promote and encourage the many benefits of rescuing and owning a pet in our community.


You serve as an East Lake Pet Orphanage Ambassador that shares the joy of pet ownership, strengthens relationships between pets and potential adopters, and help change the lives of both people and pets.

• Only 1 FAMILY or INDIVIDUAL per application
• Volunteers UNDER 16 must be accompanied by a legal guardian at all times
Age Group (check all that apply)
Are you seeking credit for school-mandated/organization community service?
Are you seeking to fulfill court-ordered community service?
Areas of Interest (check all that apply)
Have you ever been charged with ANY criminal offense?
All pets in my household are spayed/neutered and current on vaccinations and heartworm preventative.

Volunteer Emergency Medical Information:


In the event of an emergency, please provide the following information so we may address your needs should you become unable to act or speak for yourself.

Providing this information is voluntary and will only be accessed in the event of an emergency.

Does this person have the legal right to represent your interests?

Volunteer Standards


The East Lake Pet Orphanage team of volunteers helps to make a world of difference in the lives of the many animals and people we serve. The following volunteer standards will assure your donation of time and compassion will be effective and rewarding:

• Volunteers must attend a volunteer orientation meeting or meet personally with the volunteer coordinator before beginning volunteer duties with East Lake Pet Orphanage.

• Volunteers must be able to work unsupervised or provide their own supervision if required.

• Please sign in and out using the book at the front desk and wear name tag identification. An East Lake Pet Orphanage t-shirt must be worn while on-site or at events so that you can be easily identified as an authorized volunteer.

• For your safety and the safety and well being of the animals, please abide by the instructions given you by East Lake team members and senior volunteers as well as instructions posted on the cabin or suite of any orphan pet.

• If you are injured in any way while volunteering at East Lake Pet Orphanage, notify an East Lake Pet Orphanage team member and get appropriate first aid treatment. In the event of a major injury or emergency, dial 911.

• Please do not take on any other tasks than those assigned to you, unless approved by an East Lake Pet Orphanage team member. If you should notice any problems, or see an animal in distress, tell an East Lake Pet Orphanage team member immediately. Do not attempt to correct the problem yourself.

• Please wash your hands between each pet you handle.

• Please wear gloves when handling puppies.

• Wear close toed shoes.

• Report any pet behavioral issues to East Lake Pet Orphanage team members. Do not hesitate to report a behavioral issue out of concern for the pet’s euthanasia. When reported, we are able to address behavioral issues and correct them before they become a major concern. Failing to report behavioral issues is detrimental to the pet and to the safety of others.

Volunteer Agreement


1. I hereby agree to accept a position in a voluntary capacity with East Lake Pet Orphanage (ELPO). I understand that the term “voluntary” means the way in which actions or services are rendered to ELPO. Such actions or services are rendered to ELPO with generous and charitable motives. No liability whatsoever will be incurred by ELPO or its employees, other volunteers, or affiliated organizations to anyone who performs voluntary actions or services. I understand that the term “volunteer” means a person who freely chooses and renders services to ELPO in a voluntary capacity. I understand that as a volunteer I am not employed by ELPO and not eligible for any employment-type benefits, including but not limited to paid compensation, insurance programs, or workers compensation benefits.

2. I authorize ELPO to seek emergency medical treatment at my expense in case of accident, injury or illness.

3. I fully understand that ELPO handles animals of unknown temperament on a daily basis. I agree to release, discharge, indemnify and hold ELPO harmless for any injury or illness which I might sustain during the course of my volunteer duties and for any and all damage to my personal property during the course of my volunteer duties.

4. I fully understand and agree to assume all risks involved in any and all duties that I perform for ELPO.

5. I agree to familiarize myself with and fully comply with all ELPO standards policies and procedures.
• For school-mandated/organization community service, I agree to comply with rules as provided in the Volunteer Packet.

6. I fully understand that ELPO expects high standards of moral and ethical treatment of animals under its care, fellow volunteers, employees, and members of the public. I agree to strictly adhere to these standards in my voluntary capacity at ELPO.

7. I fully understand and agree that ELPO, at its sole discretion, may immediately terminate my volunteer service and revoke all access and privileges either for failure to comply with any and all of the obligations outlined in this Volunteer Agreement, or for any reason whatsoever, while performing my voluntary services for ELPO in a voluntary capacity.

8. I understand public relations are an important part of volunteering at ELPO. I agree to allow ELPO or its affiliated organizations to use any photograph, video, or audio recording taken of me. Any photographic, audio, video, writings or other works which I produce related to ELPO in a voluntary capacity may be used by ELPO in any ways they see fit.

9. I understand that background inquiries may be made and should investigation at any time disclose any misrepresentation or falsification, my application may be rejected, or I may be dismissed from service with ELPO.

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